Secure Your Data

Personal Identity Theft

  • Personal Identity Theft
    • Protect your computer and smartphone with up-to-date security software.
      1. Without strong and latest security software, your computer or smartphone is at risk and becomes a target for hackers and criminals. Be sure to install available operating system updates.
    • Use strong passwords
      1. Weak and simple passwords identify hackers and criminals’ go-to target. Once obtaining your passwords, they can access and steal your account sensitive information.
      2. Strong passwords should be at least 10 characters long including upper letter cases, lower letter cases, numbers, and symbols. Passwords should not include any personal information such as birthday, name, or age.
    • Learn to identify phishing attacks or scammers
      1. Phishing attacks or scammers are easy to identify and avoid. Phishing attempts in an email, website, social networking application can look very legitimate. However, they can be avoided by:
        • Do not click any bizarre links or URLs.
        • Do not fulfill an odd request that relates to your personal information.
        • Call and clarify the sender is actually who they claim to be
  • Avoid giving out sensitive information
    1. Sensitive information should not be given out to strangers to avoid identity theft.
    2. Sensitive informations such as:
      • Social Security Numbers
      • Credit card and bank account numbers
      • Driver’s license numbers
      • Health information
      • Confidential legal or financial data
      • Personally identifiable student/staff information